Short VajraPani Karma Mantra

Disintegrating Negativity with Mantra
A karma mantra is an “action” mantra – as opposed to a “root” (mula) or “name” (nama) mantra

Repeat the following mantra, out loud and/or mentally, 108 times in the early part of your day, and 108 times in the later part of your day, to disintegrate tamasic energies and negativity:

{{{ Hum Vajra P’hat }}} (Sanskrit)


{{{ Hum Vajra Pei }}} (Tibetan)

  • Michelle says:

    Hi there!
    My name is Michelle. I am a member of Tao’s Practitioner Group.
    Today, 8-30-17 marks the beginning of my 4- 6 week Sadhana adventure,
    practicing the Short VajraPani Karma Mantra , Hum Vajra P’hat!

    My intentions are to deepen my daily practice and to help disintegrate tamasic energies and negativity.

  • Michelle says:

    oops, I forgot to mention…
    I will be posting my practice on the attached link:

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