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Emotionalized Imagination of future states, skills, and experiences

The most effective version of Sankalpa (intentional resolve) is very much like Dr. Maxwell Maltz’s Psycho Cybernetics approach to goal orientation.
Picture any past success – a situation where you were successful at an action, an achievement, or a state of being.

Use all the senses you can.

Feel the associated feelings.

Now carry those feelings forward as you picture success with a current goal or practice. This can be an action, an achievement, a state of being, an experience. Imbue the pictured future experience with the past success feelings, along with any sensory and emotional qualities you associate with the new accomplishment.

Try seeing the world through your eyes in that future state,
and also try seeing yourself in that future state, as if on a movie screen in front of you.

Breathe and cycle the emotions and sensations – both the feelings of the prior success, and the feelings you associate with the new accomplishment.

Do this for 3 to 15 minutes a day, and let the reticular activating system drive you towards your goals – be they the formation of a useful habit (the journey), the continuation of a desired practice (the journey), association or affiliation (social connection) or a state or experience (the destination and the experience of the journey).
