Three Minute Tantra
A simple 3-minute tantric exercise that anybody can do…
Remember that tantra is transformation. The following is a simple 3-minute tantric exercise that anybody can do…
1. Close your eyes and notice your current mental and emotional state – good or bad, up or down.
2. Then start instantly remembering any moment, memory, feeling, image, sound, or smell, that makes you profoundly happy… even makes you laugh…
3. Remain in that feeling and allow it to intensify until you can feel it throughout your body. Feel yourself smiling, and your eyes twinkling.
4. Now think of a loving, happy moment – anything that gives you a warm, wonderful feeling in the center of your chest. Feel it and remain in it.
5. Let go of the memory and keep the feeling. Remain in the
feeling. That “warm fuzzy” feeling in your chest is caused by your
thymus gland, which sits on the left side of your chest atop your
physical heart. Notice how you feel now. Transforming, isn’t it?
The thymus hormones not only give you that warm fuzzy feeling, but
they also triumph over cortisol (the “stress” hormone which kills
through long-term exposure).
You’ve just performed an instant tantric “de-stress,” using nothing
but your own “mind” – your nervous and endocrine systems… and the
good new is, the more you stimulate the good feelings, the easier it
is for you to have more. Modern science shows that your body builds
new “neural networks” just to channel the peptides bringing you those
good feelings!
6. So repeat the exercise to strengthen the positive neural networks.
Food for practice!
Smile, Breathe Right, and Keep Your Tongue Up!
Tao Semko of