Library of Esoteric Yoga and Qigong (R)

The sale has ended, thank you!!

This program contains perpetual access to the Evergreen Materials purchased with your initiation fee (listed below), as well as one-at-a-time loan access to an extensive list of Library Materials (click to view) for temporary borrowing, covered by your monthly subscription fee.

Library Materials for Temporary Loan:

Click to view a complete list of video programs you can borrow with this library membership
You may borrow and complete one program at a time beginning in your second month of membership.
Prior to borrowing any additional programs, you must demonstrate your daily practice of Tao’s 4 wellsprings/pillars for 21 consecutive days.
The Evergreen programs below are always available to you from the first day of your membership, without need for library borrowing request.
Q&A is available via your emailed questions with recorded audio responses provided twice monthly. One question per email please.

Your Evergreen Materials:

Your Included Evergreen Video Courses

  • Uddiyana Bandha and Nauli Kriya: Secrets of Abdominal Isolation & Manipulation (64 days of instruction, regularly $199)
  • 27 Charana: Warming Kriyas for synovial lubrication and expanded bliss in meditation (regularly $49)

Your Included E-Book Downloads:

  • Secrets the Gurus Will Never Show You (regularly $59.95)
  • Visual Stepping Stones to the Absolute (regularly $29.95)

Your included Expository Long-form Videos

  1. Yoga, Tantra, and Qigong: Theory, Context, History, and Definitions (regularly $45)
  2. Teaching on Samadhi (regularly $45)
  3. Introduction to Mahamudra (regularly $45)
  4. On Asana and Energetics in Tantric Hatha Yoga (regularly $45)
  5. Using ShatKriya / ShatKarma to map subtle experience (regularly $45)
  6. Teaching on Principles of Mantra Japa and Mantra Laya (regularly $45)
  7. Power, Gender, Sex, Sovereignty and Economy in Historical Tantra through Modern Times (regularly $45)
  8. Historical look at intersections between charismatic spirituality, alternative health, and politics in mass movements involving millenarian prophecy and conspiratorial spirituality (regularly $45)

Fundamental Evergreen Practicum:

  1. Shavasana with Deep Progressive Relaxation
  2. Emptying the cup using the Yogic Complete Breath
  3. Emotionalized Intentional Imagination of Future States as Sankalpa
  4. Focused Writing
  5. Nostril Clearing
  6. Kapalabhati
  7. Yogic Fitness (Vyayama – Suryanamaskar, Dand, Beithak, etc)
  8. Charana (warming kriyas)
  9. Uddiyana and Nauli
  10. Trataka
  11. Neti, Dhauti, Bhasti
  12. Full range of Pranayama
  13. Regularly Used Mantras with audio files
  14. Simple Sexual Yogas for those who are sexually active

Register Below:
