Tantra Tips: Heavy Breathing…

When you make love, do you breath through your mouth — or through your nose?

Think about that dull, stupid feeling we all get when we have allergies or a cold, and are forced to mouth-breathe. If you
mouth-breathe during sex, you’re depriving all of the nerve centers in your brain, keeping those delicious feelings of sexual pleasure from “going to your head.”

Here’s a hint – for sex to be tantric (transformative), pleasure needs to “go to your head” – and everywhere else in your body. So breath through your nose!

Second, the more rhythmically and slowly you can breathe during lovemaking, no matter how fast your pelvis may be moving, the more that sexual and emotional pleasure and awareness will circulate throughout your body!

If you can’t breath deeply and rhythmically in your daily life, playing sports, or sleeping, it sure ain’t gonna happen while getting it on! So practice long, rhythmic, deep breaths all day long, whenever you can remember. That way breathing right becomes second nature, even in the heat of the moment! Your sex partner will thank you, a thousand times over!

Proper breathing for men means ejaculatory management and full-body orgasm, with or without ejaculation. For women, it means the body relaxes, she feels more pleasure, has her first orgasm sooner, and keeps on orgasming with her whole body!

The last thing is, in general, breathe through all three regions of the torso when you make love – at least until you have the body awareness to use more specialized breathing. Abdominal, thoracic, clavicular: In plain english, that means you should inhale all the way down to your tailbone, relaxing and inflating first your belly, then your chest, then your collarbone area, and then exhale all the way back up, gently squeezing your belly toward your spine as you exhale.

Having both partners practice good breathing in and out of bed will give you dramatic results in both your physical and subtle sexual
experiences, not to mention your health!

Stay tuned for ways to amplify pleasure and consciousness using breath…

Keep in touch!
Smile, breathe right, and keep your tongue up!

Tao Semko

  • November 29, 2012