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Pre-Enrollment Interview for Prospective Students and Clients

This free interview is part of the required application process for any of Tao’s interactive online courses and his in-person workshops.

If you are in East Asia / Oceania (Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, NZ, Japan, etc) and the times on the Calendly scheduler below don’t work for you, please email Tao at info(at)taosemko(dot)com with your time zone and some days and times that might work for you in your morning or late evening! Tao is usually on US Eastern / New York time (UTC-4 northern summer/UTC-5 northern winter)!

Please use the scheduler above, or click here to schedule on Calendly.com! Please note that some VPNs prevent the viewing of Calendly’s schedulers.

During your appointment you may introduce yourself and your interests, and ask questions about any pertinent experiences, along with any inquiries you may have about Tao’s courses, workshops, or publications.

Tao values his time and the company he keeps, and wishes to spend his time sharing with kind, loving, intelligent, inquisitive individuals determined to maintain their personal sovereignty while respecting the sovereignty and freedom of others.

Tao wishes to teach:
1) Those who are loving, compassionate, fun, driven, and inquisitive, respectful yet self-sovereign.
2) those who value love over dominion, and liberty over fear
3) those who value awareness and personal accountability over value conformity, submission, dominion, or dogma
4) those who wish to cultivate their own inner light, rather than chasing the charisma or glamour of the external
5) those who value cultivating wisdom, knowledge, action, and compassionately applied skill over collecting certificates and accreditations.

About Zoom Cloud Meetings, the Free Video Meeting Platform for the Interview:

Zoom Cloud Meetings

Available for your computer, tablet, or smartphone, please download or install it from your app store as below:

Here is a video on how to join the video meeting (please click here).

Calendly will email you the Zoom Meeting Room ID to use (and current password, if any) when you make your appointment.
