Not only does it dissolve traumatic muscle memories, it also gives effortless control of your mind…

The same remarkable movements that dissolve traumatic muscle memory in the abdomen, pelvis, and even thorax, can also be used to drop into the deepest states of presence, bliss, stillness, and majestic inner beauty…

In the metaphysics of yoga and tantra, nauli can be said to directly control the prana (breath energy) in the three most important subtle channels of the body… Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna. These left, right, and central channels of signal flow (neural, hormonal, and interstitial/subtle) regulate the relaxation response, the arousal or fight or flight response, and the absorbed meditative states of both stillness and “flow”, respectively.

Here’s the good news for those who like working and playing in the physical body:

The three primary movements/positions of nauli kriya correspond directly to the control of those three subtle channels, each of which literally creates a vacuum to direct capillary bloodflow, neural signal, and interstitial fluid, into the left side, right side, or longitudinal axis of the yogi or yogini’s visceral cavity… literally controlling consciousness through physical motion.

Neuroscience from the last 3 decades backs this up… subconscious signals travelling up the Vagus nerves from our heart, gut, and genitals, actually override the conscious brain and change it’s function…

Similarly, endocrine hormones released by the activity of the heart, gut, and reproductive tract also control brain activity…

Tantric yogis figured out how to directly “hack” those signals, using nauli to control the vagus nerve signals and capillary endocrine feedback, to take the reins of the brain, using the physical body to control the mind state…

“Nauli is foremost of the hatha yoga practices. It kindles the digestive fire, removing indigestion, sluggish digestion, and all disorders of the doshas, and brings about happiness” – Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Best of all, Nauli is a physical skill learned like any other — good instruction and playful, persistant repetition make it possible.

Think you might want to learn nauli, in it’s unvarnished original purity? This program includes the video course that will show you how!

Until next time,
Tao Semko

  • March 6, 2014