Rahu Mantra

Harmonizing North Node of the Ecliptic / Dragon’s Head / Rahu Effects with Mantra

Repeat the following mantra, out loud and/or mentally, 108 times in the early part of your day, and 108 times in the later part of your day, to harmonize astrological effects of Rahu on the psyche:

{{ Om Bram Brim Braum Sah Rahave Namaha }}}

  • Tao says:

    Please begin your sadhana by saying hello here in the comments section. Give your intention to practice the sadhana, including for how many weeks, and link to your social media profile from which you will be posting about the sadhana. It should be a public profile, and may be under a pseudonym / avatar / nom-de-plume if your social, business, or religious culture make it difficult to talk publicly about practicing. If you are already a member of Tao’s Practitioner Group, please indicate that in your first comment here as well.

  • Michelle says:

    Hi there!
    My name is Michelle. I am a member of Tao’s Practitioner Group.
    Today, 8-30-17 marks the beginning of my 4- 6 week Sadhana adventure,
    practicing the Rahu mantra, Om Bram Brim Braum Sah Rahave Namaha!

    My intentions are to deepen my daily practice and to harmonize astrological effects of Rahu on my psyche.

    RaaaHuuuu , here we go!! :)

  • Michelle says:

    oops, I forgot to mention…
    I will be posting my practice on the attached link:

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