Foundation Practices Trimester 2
Foundation Practices of Tantric Yoga 2:
Introduction and Orientation
Class 1: Timing and Breath Ratios in the Complete Breath
Class 2: Breath timing for energy and relaxation| reverse breathing and nabhi bandha
Class 3: Alimentation and Nourishment: timing and sadhana
Class 4: alimentation & nourishment: sleep cycles, adaptogens, and listening to (feeling with) your body
Class 5: Opening the Subtle Body: Adding kumbakha
Class 6: Opening the Subtle Body: kumbhaka with subtle energy awareness and emotional amplification
Class 7: Nyasa in movement…
Class 8: Nyasa with thought forms, in movement
Class 9: Seats of Meditation: abiding in the internal seat while breathing to and from it
Class 10: breathing subtle energy and emotional content to and from the seats of consciousness
Class 11: Training the Breath and Body Together 2
Class 12: Training the body and breath together 2, con’t
Class 13: Purifying Actions – Bhasti
Class 14: Purifying Actions – Vaman Dhauti/Kunjal Kriya
Class 15: The Visual Yogas 2- Shambhavi Mudra in 3-D
Class 16: 3-D Shambhavi Mudra, continued – feeling and projecting
Class 17: Gestures, Seals, and Inner Attitudes: Dhyan Mudra
Class 18: Secret Smile in Dhyan Mudra, with correct and incorrect application of the seven points of the posture
Class 19: The Yogas of Sound: AUM – correct pronunciation and practice
Class 20: Yogas of Sound: AUM with 3-D Shambhavi Mudra
Class 21: Nada Yoga part 2: Inner Sound Yoga
Class 22: Inner Sound Yoga with 3-D Shambavi Mudra
Class 23: Integrating sexual energy cultivation/circulation into garuda squats, kapalabhati, uddiyana bandha
Class 24: Integrating sexual/sensual energy with 3-D Shambhavi Mudra
Summary Session: Foundations Trimester 1
Class 25: Summary
This item requires an application and interview, and is available to members of the Tantric Yoga and Alchemical Qigong Practitioner's Group...