Yoga Teacher Training: Yoga Level One

Yoga Teacher Training and Certification, Energy Yoga Level I

Energy Yoga is what Santiago Dobles in 2001 called the powerful blend of Tantric yogas taught in UmaaTantra yoga classes, which were both physically vigorous, and worked with transcendent experiences of energy and consciousness.

These classes focused on the vital energetic aspects of practice: ojas, prana, citta, and kundalini shakti, as focused and guided through the nadis, marmas, chakras, and koshas of the human subtle bodies.

The level one training covers the foundations for teaching the practice of tantric hatha yoga and tantric kriya (“kundalini”) yoga, and simple laya, bhakti, and jnana yoga practices. The original course outline is below

A list of those who completed this original, rigorous teacher training certification is visible on our page aboutUmaa Tantra.

Cetification is currently available though private training only. You must have been our student for 2 years or receive special dispensation to take the course…
email info1 @ with questions…

Yoga Teacher Training Course Outline (Level I):


1 Muladhara
2 Swadisthana
3 Manipura
4 Anahata
5 Vishudda
6 Ajna
7 Sahashrara
8 Minor chakras


1 Spine Twists, Twirl
2 V- ups, Sit Ups, Leg lifts
3 Dandasana / Camel Pose
4 Table Makers
5 Dands (cat stretch/ “hindu push-up”)
6 Uddiyana Bandha

SURYA NAMASKARA (Sun Salutations)

CHARANA (warming kriyas)

• Body Shaking I & II
• Neck Rotations
• Neck Jerks
• Pendulum swings
• Forward/Back Swings
• Shoulder Swings
• Shoulder Rotations
• Hip Rotations
• Knee Rotation
• Ankle Rotations
• Spine Twists
• Spine Openers
• Spine Stretch


for Muladhara:

1 Tadasana
2 Padahastasana
3 Vayunishkasana
4 Padanghustasana
5 Paschimottanasana
6 Bhadrasana
7 Janushirshasana
8 Virasana
9 Sempok/Dempok
10 Buddha Squats

for Swadisthana

1 Sukhasana
2 Ardha Chandrasana
3 Uttita Dhanurasana
4 Shalabasana
5 Yoni-asana
6 Purvottanasana – Table Makers I & II
7 Deep Matsyasana

for Manipura

1 Trikona Asana
2 Trikona Side Bends I & II
3 Shutmurgasana
4 Natarajasana
5 Uddiyana Bandha
6 Nauli Kriya
7 Agnisara Dhauti
8 Sahaj Agni Sara Dhauti
9 V- Ups
10 Jathara Parivartanasana – Leg Lifts side to side
11 Amaroli Mudra I & II
12 Nabhi Asana
13 No Momentum Paschimottanasana
14 Virabhadrasana Warrior Pose
15 Supta Vajrasana
16 Lohan Santolanasana
17 Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
18 Mayurasana

for Anahata

1 Dandasana
2 Dhanurasana
3 Parsva Dhanurasana
4 Bhujangasana
5 Hypertextension
6 Rajokapotasana
7 Vajrasana
8 Spider Stretch
9 Prarthanasana
10 Rib Flaring
11 Gomukhasana
12 Kurmasana
13 Bhekasana

for Vishudda

1 Sarvangasana
2 Viparitakaranasana
3 Ardha Matsyendrasana
4 Bhujangasana II
5 Matsya Asana

for Ajna

1 Halasana
2 Garudasana
3 Shambhavi Mudra
4 Karnapidasana
5 Brachmacharyasana
6 Vakrasana
7 Dwi Hasta Bhujasana
8 Astavakrasana
9 Vatayanasana
10 Utkatasana
11 Bakasana – Crane or crow

for Sahashrara
1 Shirshasana
2 Shashasana
3 Wrestler’s Bridge
4 Prasarittapadottanasana

all Centers

1 Talasana I,II,&III
2 One legged Talasana
3 Tadasana
4 Lolasana
5 Parvatasana
6 Ado Mukha Svanasana
7 Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
8 Nakrasana – Alligator
9 Ardha baddha padmottanasana – Half bound lotus
10 Chakrasana


1 Bhastrika Pranayama
2 Alternate Nostril Breathing ( 9 Purification breath)
3 Vase breathing
4 Complete breathing
5 Kapalabhati


1 Uddiyana
2 Mula Bhanda
3 Jalandara Bandha

KRIYAS (Shat Karmas)

1 Laghoo Shankhaprakshalana -(tadasana, tiryaka, katichakrasana, triyaka bhujangasana, udarakarshanasana)
2 Shankhaprakshalana w/water
3 Trataka
4 Nauli Kriya
5 Neti Kriya
6 Vamana Dhauti
7 Amaroli Kriya
8 Tongue cleansing
9 Bhasti kriya
10 Fasting
11 Shavasana
12 Yoga Nidra I, II, III
13 Shakti Chalani Kriya
14 Shabda Sanchalana


1 Shiva Mudra
2 Shiva Shakti Linga/ Yoni
3 Dhyana Mudra
4 Anthakarana mudra
5 Prayer position
6 Offering mudra
7 Consecration Mudra

Internal Secret Mudras
