Category Archives for "Practical Tantra"

Higher Awareness Through Self-Pleasure?

When giving themselves pleasure, tantrics do things just a bit differently… Whether we’re talking about self-massage, or masturbation (“Self-cultivation”), tantrics take time to really feel each new sensation. If you want to experience tantra, in love and in your daily life, become aware of physical sensations by slowing down. Once you slow down, you’ll find […]

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  • December 5, 2012

The Secret to Freeing Yourself From Limiting Habits – In Bed

Dear Reader, This weekend I was at a bridal shower where I’d been asked to speak about the sexual side of tantra. Of course, the ladies were a lot of fun, and as always, they had some really good questions. I’ll share an answer to one here today. As I’ve explained in past issues of […]

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  • December 5, 2012

Tantra for Security and Prosperity

Have you ever wondered why so many self-proclaimed “yoga practitioners,” “meditators,” and “new-age tantrics” are unappealingly unhealthy and spaced-out? Or why these people who live a supposedly healthy, “spiritual” lifestyle, often feel insecure and seem disconnected from their family and fellow human beings? Sometimes they’re unable able to hold down a job, maintain real relationships, […]

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  • December 5, 2012

Learning to Swim – Tantric Practice VS. Theory

Dear Reader, If you want to develop internal energy, to arouse kundalini, to love spiritually, to find union, to realize spiritual bliss (ananda), or liberation (moksha), you won’t get there by reading alone! you won’t get there by intellectualizing, or reading philosophy, or reading great stories of the masters, or myths of gods and goddesses, […]

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  • December 5, 2012

Q & A: “McDonald’s-style yoga gyms”

Dear Friend, today I just have time to answer a few more emails from the Tantra Tips inbox… enjoy… An email we received: Thank you Tao! I am so glad I found you! it seems like the “McDonalds-style yoga gyms” are the only ones out there. The reason I am so excited about your eMail […]

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  • December 5, 2012