Practical Tantra
Articles from Tao Semko’s free Tantra Letter email newsletter, links, and more…(click here!)
Recommended Reading and Listening
Books, Manuals, DVDs and CDs created by our founders and instructors:
Insight-packed, practical products on the esoteric traditions, authored by UmaaTantra’s instructors, and published by Smashan Press
Other Recommended Reading selected by our founders and instructors
Undiluted, authoritative books on Yoga, Tantra, and Qigong…
Music to Practice by
Music CD’s for Avishkara
UmaaTantra Frequently Asked Questions
Practitioner’s Directory: Yoga, Qigong, and Tantra Links and Resources
- Tantraworks: The late Nik Douglas’s site, containing information on the noted western tantric, author of Sexual Secrets, the history of Tantra, and many good tantra links.
- shiva shakti mandalam: the inner wisdom of the hindu tantrik tradition. Great source of translated texts.
- Dr. Robert Svoboda’s Site: Acclaimed ayurvedic physician and writer on tantra, aghora, and ayurveda. Articles, Lectures, and Travel Log
- The late Cliff Stewart’s Site: Acclaimed author, teacher of martial science, tenaga dalam. Articles, Seminars, and Videos
- The late H.E. Khempo Yurmed Tinley Rinpoche’s Site: Late, famed Ningmapa Buddhist Scholar and Dzogchen Master. Various articles and current Charitable works…
- Daniel Odier’s multi-language site: Western Chan lineage holder, holder of transmissions from Non-Dual Kashmir Shaivism and Tibetan Mahamudra, author, teacher. Articles and Tantric Text Translations.
- Information on Kashmir Shaivism Teachings and Translations of Kashmiri Texts by the late great Swami Lakshmanjoo. Includes his beautiful translations of the Siva Sutras and Abhinavagupta’s Shaivite distillation of the Bhagavad Gita…
- Ken Cohen’s Site on Qi Gong practice and healing Articles, Course Syllabii, and more…
- NSEV Healing: Non-Somatic Extraordinary Vessel Healing Pre-Taoist and modern modalities to treat imbalances and cultivate harmonious energy/consciousness in the extraordiary vessels of Chinese Acupuncture…
- Develop Your Energy: Sifu Dan Ferrera’s practical and powerful qigong online learning site
- The Desilets Method: Saida Desilets, PhD. teaches qigong, taoist sexual cultivation, and more… very practical and fun in her approach, without missing the big picture.
- The late Thomas Ashley Farrand’s Sanskrit Mantra Site Great Vedic Mantra site… author of numerous books and tapes giving transmission in mantra, use, and inner attitudes in ajapa japa and layayoga….
-’s yantra pages – free downloadable yantras for tantra and yoga, various other articles.
- Exquisite resource for Native American (Oneida) and western herbalism, the use of essential oils, and aromatherapy in alternative and complementary medicine. Wholesale supplier of plant essential oils of the highest purity and potency.
- Mircea Eliade BiographyEliade, Romanian by birth, was chair of the History of Religions department at the University of Chicago and a lecturer at the Sorbonne. He is one of the most esteemed writers on the subject of yoga, shamanism, and eastern philosophy. His research included numerous initiations into eastern and western mysteries, in addition to the deciphering of many eastern scriptures and oral tradition for the western mind.
- Kundalini Resource Center/Spiritual Emergence Network
- International Journal of Tantric Studies
- Yoga Science Evolution: low-tech site with a lot of excellent information, originally found at before Geocities was shut down…
- Dr. Glenn J. Morris’s Improved Kundalini Awakening Process
Workshops and worldwide interactive long distance learning - The Warrior’s Cave
Santiago Dobles’s blog -
Esly Caldwell, Acupuncture Physician, herbalist, UmaaTantra instructor, certified personal trainer