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Tantric Yoga Practitioner Group Video Library

A streaming multimedia library of video classes, lectures, and guided practices in Tantric Yoga (Hatha, Kriya, Laya, Raja, Mantra/Yantra/Tantra), with included live group Zoom Q&A/coaching with Tao each month, and the addition of new materials as Tao presents them. This program is available by application and interview. US$101 for the first month, then US$54/monthly thereafter for continuing access; scholarships available by economic and cultural circumstance.

Apply here,
and register here.
If you’ve recently been accepted to Tao’s KAP classes, there is no need to re-apply; you may register at will.

Tantric Yoga and Alchemical Qigong Practitioner Group Video Library includes all the following, plus the monthy group Zoom call for coaching and Q&A on your materials, with new materials added as Tao presents them:

The U.T. College of Tantric Yogas Curriculum: Foundation Practices of Tantric Yoga, Trimester I

  • Introduction and Orientation
  • Class 1: The Complete Breath
  • Class 2: Breathing Subtle Energy / 4 factors that inhibit the physical breath
  • Class 3: the act of conscious eating/drinking
  • Class 4: food effects on the body and mind
  • Class 5: opening the body-consciousness, part 1: physical charana
  • Class 6: opening the subtle body-consciousness – subtle charana
  • Class 7: Sanctifying the Body, part 1: Nyasa
  • Class 8: Sanctifying the Body, part 2: Nyasa
  • Class 9: Seats of Meditation, part 1: exploration of alignment
  • Class 10: Seats of Meditation: finding the seat
  • Class 11: Training the Breath and Body Together
  • Class 12: Training the body and breath together, con’t
  • Class 13: Purifying Actions – Overview, Kapalabhati with Uddiyana, Tratak
  • Class 14: Purifying Actions con’t: Neti and the 9 Clearing Breaths
  • Class 15: The Visual Yogas: eye exercises, shambavi mudra
  • Class 16: The Visual Yogas: The five directional gazes
  • Class 17: Gestures, Seals, and Inner Attitudes: bodily mudras
  • Class 18: Gestures, Seals, and Inner Attitudes – the Secret Smile
  • Class 19: Yogas of Sound: internal sound – spoken vowels
  • Class 20: Yogas of Sound – vocalized vowels as nyasa, bindu visarga (“mnnng”)
  • Class 21 – Yogas of Sound: using external music
  • Class 22- Yogas of Sound – Nyasa as auditory laya (absorption)
  • Class 23 – Cultivating Sexual Energy as an Internal Experience
  • Class 24 – Circulating Sexual Energy
  • Summary Session: Foundations Trimester 1

Success Stories and Testimonials for Foundation Practices Trimester 1, above…

Long-Form Video Presentations on Principle, Method, and Context:

  • Theory, Context, History, and Definitions – 2017-04-06
  • Samadhi – 2017-06-04
  • Introduction to Mahamudra – 2017-05-21
  • Teaching on Principles of Mantra Japa and Mantra Laya 2017-08-20
  • Power, Gender, Sex, Sovereignty and Economy in Historical Tantra through Modern Times – 2017-08-21
  • Sexual Yoga – 2017-07-30
  • On Integrated Tantric Hatha Yoga Practice – 2017-10-23
  • On Asana and Energetics in Tantric Hatha Yoga – 2017-09-16
  • Using ShatKriya / ShatKarma to map subtle experience – 2017-06-11
  • Basic Metaphysics of Prayer – 2018-02-04
  • Introduction to Qigong & comparisons with Pranavidya within Tantric Yogas – 2018-04-29
  • Introduction to Avishkara, Guru Yoga, and Deity Yoga Practices / Generation Stage Practices – 2018-12-28
  • Kama Sutra vs Sexual Yoga/Maithuna/Sambhoga Yoga — and their union – 2019-02-03
  • January 2021: Historical look at intersections between charismatic spirituality, alternative health, and politics in mass movements involving millenarian prophecy and conspiratorial spirituality also, self clearing practice with vajrapani mantra samputs… 2021-01
  • Maithuna and Sambhoga Yoga: Secrets of Tantra Seminar – December, 2001

Short Practicum:

Easy-to-implement Micropractices

  • Pranayama Microteachings
  • Fundamental Techniques
  • A simple treasury of Mantra (audio and text)
  • Introductory Qigong Practices and Concepts
  • Some Simpler Sexual Yogas

Progressive Sadhanas

These are practices that layer or build over weeks or months:

  • 8 Charana and Zhan Zhuang
  • 8 Charana, Suryanamaskar, and Uddiyana Bandha
  • Mantra Laya: Laya Yoga Practice with Seed Sound (Bija Mantram)
  • Deity Yoga through Visual and Mantra Laya
  • Localized Laya in Individual Chakras within Asana with Rhythmic Breathing
  • 8 Charana, SuryaNamaskar, Uddiyana Bandha Social Sadhana
  • Mantra Laya Social Sadhana: Laya Yoga Practice with Seed Sound (Bija Mantram)
  • Deity Yoga through Visual and Mantra Laya
  • Localized Laya in Individual Chakras within Asana with Rhythmic Breathing – Social Sadhana
  • Laya in the Central Bindu of the Dharmodaya: Naad and Deity Mantra/Yantra Laya in the Heartspace
  • Ten Minute Sensory Absorption – plus Customized Daily Live Practices from Previous Curriculae
  • Creating a Loving Energetic Boundary, and Balanced Giving & Receiving
  • Avishkara, Mantra Japa, and Laya with TriDevi
  • The Sadhana of a Thousand Breaths, 1:2:1:2 Kumbhak variation
  • Body and Breath – Core Set 1
  • Practices to assist with Covid-19 stress (month 1)
  • Practices to assist with Covid-19 stress (month 2)
  • Kriya and Vyayam sets, mantras for the retrograde planets
  • Kriya, Vyayam, Sukshma Vyayam, and Asana practices (month 1)
  • Kriya, Vyayam, Sukshma Vyayam, and Asana practices (month 2)
  • Marma and spinal suspension in Asana Practice
  • Simple Short practices for harmonization that can be stretched and deepened into profound longer non-dual meditative practices
  • Simple external offerings to harmonize relationships with local consciousnesses, ancestral / geneological interactions, and more
  • Breath Synchronized Mantra Laya, plus Dual Cultivation and Sexual Yogas
  • 3 Simple Sexual Yogas that do not require a trained partner
  • Cultivating the Extraordinary Vessels using Acupressure and Breath
  • Polyvagal Trauma Resets
  • MahaGanapati Moola Mantra, Vagal Resets with Mantra
  • Laya (absorption) in planetary seed mantras (shakti bijas)
  • Ganapati Mantra/Yantra Yoga and Puja
  • Intentionality and Freedom in daily and spiritual activities, from moment to moment.